23-24 JUL 2025 | ICC SYDNEY

23-24 Jul 2025



Keeping product samples out of landfill

The aim is change the way industry engages with product samples to research and choose products for projects, and encourage manufacturers to submit their samples into the LOUD Library system. 

LOUD provides both physical location sampling libraries as well as a growing virtual library that contains all samples in high-quality, digitalised form to give professionals in architecture, interior design, product specification and procurement an immersive experience to make decisions.  

By caring for the life of product/material samples that industry will typically use in specification processes, the LOUD archive team photographs every product into a curated library system and obtains a copy to be stored in a vault from the beginning and into their retirement for future reference, ultimately keeping them out of landfill. 

LOUD Library has created a joint venture with Global GreenTag, a third-party product certification body that deals head on with issues of product stewardship, waste management and recycling through its product standards and third-party product assessment programs 

Both GreenTag and LOUD are strongly committed to building and curating a comprehensive database of sustainable product and material samples for the library that have been independently assessed and awarded licences by third-party certification, declaration and verification bodies to meet the needs of green building and design projects.  

GreenTag is assisting LOUD to bring together a fully developed, digital version of the library by early 2025, providing access from product pages on GreenTag websites to the LOUD digital library for visitors to view digitalised samples. The two bodies are also developing education programs and awareness campaigns to promote the importance and benefits of the venture to the wider manufacturing, architectural and design industries. 

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