23-24 JUL 2025 | ICC SYDNEY

23-24 Jul 2025



A Reality Check on Recovered Resources + Residuals

This year the AWRE Summit is poised to be a reality check for the industry; a much-needed wake up call on the state of our current resource recovery system in Australia.

The 2023 AWRE expo will be the biggest yet, with more suppliers confirming than any other year. The Summit will be a crucial platform for exploring solutions and driving visionary leadership for effective reform.

AWRE’s 2023 Summit, hosted by NWRIC, WCRA and ACOR, will cover topical areas including the state of our Resource Recovery system, the reality, roadblocks, and solutions to help us progress towards national targets, and the challenges and policies surrounding residuals management in Australia.

You can register for the Summit via THIS LINK.

AWRE Announces 2023 Summit Program

Australia’s Waste and Recycling Expo has expanded its Summit program in response to industry demand and will bring together 250+ Australian key decision makers to participate in the Summit’s program titled “Reality Check on Recovered Resources + Residuals”.

Organisers have issued an urgent call for senior executives, government decision makers and solution providers to register for the Summit which will provide an open forum tackling the big issues.

The limited attendee Summit registration, sponsored by STG Global, is now open and will set the scene for robust and challenging discussions that ask the hard questions that must be raised if Australia is to meet its waste reduction targets.

“We’ve Regressed – The State of Our Resource Recovery System”

  • MODERATOR: Tony Khoury, Executive Director, Waste Contractors & Recyclers Association of NSW
  • Ross Fox, Principal Fishburn Watson O’Brien
  • Brett Lemin, Executive Officer, Victorian Waste Management Association
  • Adam Gray, Executive Officer, Waste and Recycling Industry SA

The panel will challenge current roadblocks such as inadequate data collection and analysis, and insufficient infrastructure and investment in industry. Whilst highlighting the fragmentation of policies across states and territories, this session will also explore possible solutions to this pressing challenge.

How to Support a Thriving Resource and Recovery Sector

  • MODERATOR: Jelena Hercegovac, General Manager – Environment & Sustainability, Repurpose It
  • Graham Knowles, Group – General Manager iQ Renew Pty Ltd
  • Jim Fairweather, CEO, Tyrecycle
  • David Finlayson, Martogg and Co

The session will delve deep into the reality, roadblocks and solutions for Australia’s resource recovery and recycling system. The panel will be reviewing the impact of current export bans plus explore practical steps and innovative solutions that need to be taken to drive progress.

‘Residuals Management’

  • Philip Manners, Director, The Centre for International Economics
  • Richard Pittard, Head of Sustainability

Philip Manners will address the challenges of managing residual waste streams, exploring topics such as landfill and waste-to-energy solutions, social license and infrastructure hurdles, and the need for effective nationwide policies and regulations.

One Month To Go

Innovation Zone

  • Opportunity for those businesses who have launched an innovative solution within the last 24 months to exhibit at AWRE
  • These exhibitors will also be provided the opportunity to present a two-minute pitch within the AWRE seminar program to event attendees on the exhibition floor.

AWRE Awards

  • AWRE will also honour leaders in the industry with an awards program. Two awards will be launched – Best Recycled Product & Best New Innovation. The winners will be announced at the end of day one, at Seminar Theatre 1.

Recycled Zone

  • New for 2023, this zone on the show floor will host exhibitors with products and solutions made from recycled materials, or businesses that provide recycling material solutions.
  • Born from attendee feedback expressing rising interest in seeing products and solutions in recycling to gauge the full cycle of the industry and see the end product of recycled materials.

Summit Program

  • AWRE’s 2023 summit, hosted by NWRIC, WCRA, and ACOR, will cover topical areas including the state of our Resource Recovery system, the reality, roadblocks and solutions to help us progress towards national targets, and the challenges and policies surround residuals management in Australia.


  • Run in conjunction the Australian Organics Recycling Association, this zone will return in 2023, focusing on food and organics services and solutions.

Industry Breakfast

  • AWRE will host an Industry Breakfast opened by Keynote speaker Peter Whish-Wilson, Greens Senator of Tasmania. Followed by keynote from major industry representative David Gerrard, CFO at Veolia.

Register free today to visit THE premier event for the waste, recycling and resource recovery sector in Australia at the ICC Sydney on 26-27 July 2023.

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