23-24 JUL 2025 | ICC SYDNEY

23-24 Jul 2025


The Future of Energy from Waste in Australia

Australia is on the verge of an energy from waste (EfW) transition, with two plants coming online in WA this year, another approved in Victoria and a third in the midst of planning in NSW. Veolia will be the operator of all four. This is new technology for Australia but not for Veolia, which currently operates more than 65 EfW plants around the world. Mr Barker will explore the planning, construction, regulation and political challenges of bringing EfW to Australia, how EfW will help meet the waste and resource recovery targets set by governments across the country, and the new technology that has the potential to make EfW plants zero waste and create new resource recovery markets ― if regulators are prepared to alter resource recovery pathways. This is an opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s leading EfW experts.