Valentina has 16 years’ experience in the construction industry, working across Europe and South-East Asia, providing design and advisory advice with respect to waste minimisation and circular economy to private clients as well as State and Local Governments.
Valentina is WSP’s Australia Circular Economy Lead, combining her architectural background with an in-depth knowledge of circular economy principles and how they could be implemented to the built environment at different scales of intervention. She has co-authored the Circular Design Guidelines for NSW Government to facilitate the transition to a Circular Built Environment and has successfully delivered pioneering Circular Economy projects in Australia with a focus on ‘Designing-out waste’ from the outset.
Valentina is the Chairperson of the Property Council of Australia’s National Working Group on Circular Economy and a member of the Green Building Council of Australia – Responsible Products Expert Reference Panel. She is also a regular contributor to several industry leading conferences and has been awarded the affiliate title of Adjunct Associate Professor by the University of Sydney.